Over 4 years ago I rescued this board and it's replica. This board had ended up in the restaurant and bar industry here in Waikiki. As far as I could tell it had been menu board, 1 door of a double hinge double door set. And it had paint and varnish on it a nickel thick. Cut it at the lamination joints and bisquited it back together for strength.
It was routered out so I use the replica for parts. The bottom and tail was in bad shape so I cut it into the swallow and added channels, and I also incorporated a heavy duty leash plug.
It has been sanded past 2500 grit and is polished. There is zero clear coat. All wood and oiled with a small bottle of linseed. Dimensions are 6'5" by 19" by 1.5.
And it weighs 64 pounds and made of koa and ohia.